Leaving a corporate job and venturing out on my own as an entrepreneur was exciting…but it was also scary. I would be leaving the “security” of a “steady job (and paycheck)” and entering a world of uncertainty and unknowns… [Even though we know that “job security” is a myth. If we haven’t been “downsized” or “rightsized” ourselves, we certainly know someone who has!]
So why did I do it?
For starters, I was BORED OUT OF MY MIND at work. My project had ended and the company didn’t want to lose me, so I was “in limbo” between projects with nothing to do. I went around the department asking who needed help…but I didn’t get any takers. You see, the department was in the middle of (yet another) reorganization, so everyone was hoarding their work to prove their worth. (Sigh.) So I did Sudoku puzzles in my cubicle to keep my brain from turning to mush…and I got paid very well to do it…
…But every day my alarm went off at 4:30 am so I would have time to hit the snooze, stumble out of bed, work out, get cleaned up…and leave the house by 6:30 am to catch the bus to my office downtown. On more than one occasion I found myself running late and having to play “beat the bus” to the next stop…sometimes enlisting the help of my roommate (aka “the accomplice”) so I didn’t even have to worry about parking…I just hopped out of the car and ran! And at the end of the day I would leave the office to catch the bus home…usually arriving about 7:00 pm.
I was exhausted! I was sick of the commute! And I had no time for family or friends. I had NO life!
Can you relate to any of that?
It didn’t take long to start getting depressed. I got to the point where I couldn’t find enjoyment in anything…not even a pizza. So I knew I had to do something…FAST!
I decided I had to make a change. And the time to do that was NOW…or never.
I chose now. 🙂
I’m the first to admit that my path hasn’t always been easy…
I’ve worked hard. I’ve made mistakes…EXPENSIVE mistakes! I’ve learned a lot. I’ve trusted the wrong people. I’ve been burned (badly) by a business partner…
But the rewards have been far greater.
Because now I choose WHERE I work. I choose WHEN I work. And who I choose WHO I want to work with.
I get to CHOOSE!
And as a result I get to enjoy a flexible lifestyle. I live a life of joyful purpose and empowered living.
If that sounds like something you’re looking for…let’s talk. And if you’re thinking about starting a home business, you’ll want to check out my free ebook…7 Essential Steps to Choosing the RIGHT Home Business.
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