It seems like what works, what doesn’t work, what people like, and what drives people crazy on Facebook changes on a daily basis.  One thing that doesn’t change is that Facebook is a place to build relationships by sharing in each others’ lives.

When something good happens in our life…we share.

When something good happens in someone else’s life…we celebrate.

And when we see something we think someone else would enjoy, we share with them, either by sharing it in a private message, sharing directly to their profile, or tagging them in the post.

What drives me NUTS is when people create a post and then tag everyone they know in the post.  I get messages EVERY DAY that say “Jane Doe was with you and 37 others at…” or “Jane Doe has tagged you and 34 others in a post…”


Stop the madness!

So today’s Facebook Tip has two parts:

  1.  If someone wasn’t there, don’t tag them.  You may think you’re getting in front of them, but at what cost?  If you irritate the very people you are trying to attract, it’s going to backfire.
  2. Since you never know what type of posts you’re going to be tagged in, make sure you set your privacy settings to approve any posts you’re tagged in before they are allowed on your timeline.

For more tips on marketing online, connect with me on Facebook.