“Are you on Facebook?”

These days it seems like I hear that question multiple times a day.

Because most people are.

And most small business owners are, too.  And some of these business owners have abandoned the idea of creating their own website because they’re on Facebook.


Facebook may be the “800 lb gorilla” of the social networking world, but having a Facebook presence alone is not enough in the online marketing world.  You need a MUCH bigger presence.

Here are four of the top reasons why:

Your Online Presence Needs Many Entry Points

Your prospects aren’t all the same.  And they aren’t all on the same social media networks.  Heck,  t’s likely they aren’t even all on social media!

Just like in fishing you need to “cast a wide net” to catch the most fish…to attract the largest audience of potential customers, you need several places where they can find you. You need social media like Facebook, along with your website.

Your website should be considered the primary source for all your social media sharing. Your entire focus with social media should be to drive traffic, increase engagement, and improve the ranking of your website.

Facebook Is Not Set Up To Provide Information In A Cohesive Way

If someone wants more information after seeing a post on Facebook, even if they go to your Facebook Page it is very hard to find information. Posts get hidden in the crowd. You can’t search the Page for information.  Facebook algorithms are always changing the way information is displayed…  The list goes on.

However, you can lead them to your website.  Your audience will be able to contact you easier, and get more information on your website than they can on even the best, most optimized Facebook Page.

You Need To Build An Email List

While people may communicate with you via your Facebook Page, you also need to build an email list. You’ve heard it said that “the money is in the list” and that is not an exaggeration. Building an email list is an important factor in any business’s success or failure. Communicating with your audience only through Facebook isn’t enough; you must also build a targeted email list, capturing their information and sending up-to-date information to subscribers often.

Even with all the social networks and communications technologies, email lists are still the best forms of direct marketing that exists.  While the primary way you will build your email list is from your website, there is an easy way to enhance your Facebook Page AND build your email list, with this innovative technology.

You Don’t Own Your Facebook Page

That’s right!  You don’t own your Facebook Page — or ANY social media site — and you can’t back it up. You could be shut down for any reason on any given day.  “Facebook Jail” is real, my friend!

Furthermore, not every person who “likes” your page sees your updates…in fact, changes in Facebook algorithms in the past few years have ensured that very few people see your updates in their newsfeed…unless you “pay to play.” Yep.  Now you have to pay for “sponsored posts” so people who have already “liked” your page will actually see your posts!

So why would you do that? Should you do that?  Facebook is an important part of online marketing, but it’s not the only part of online marketing. In fact, it’s not even the most important part.

The Most Important Part Of Online Marketing

The most important part of your online marketing efforts is your website. You own it.  You control it.  And you won’t be shut down just because someone else decides your content isn’t good enough…isn’t appropriate…or they just don’t like it (or you).  So the most important thing you can do for your online marketing is to have a self-hosted website to where you drive traffic from social media…including Facebook.