
The #1 Marketing Mistake Costing Entrepreneurs Money

When you're starting your business, you have a lot of people trying to get your attention.  You have more things on your to-do list than it seems like you can accomplish in a lifetime.  And that's just for your marketing! I get it. I've been there. Every day, business owners and entrepreneurs field phone [...]

By |2017-06-19T16:25:25-05:00June 19th, 2017|Marketing|0 Comments

Maximize Your Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a highly effective means of getting the word out about the  products and services you offer. But, so many times I see small businesses really aren't maximizing their online real estate on social media. And that makes me sad.  I want to see businesses and off. Now you might think social [...]

4 Reasons Why Facebook Isn’t Enough Online Marketing

"Are you on Facebook?" These days it seems like I hear that question multiple times a day. Because most people are. And most small business owners are, too.  And some of these business owners have abandoned the idea of creating their own website because they're on Facebook. HUGE MISTAKE! Facebook may be the "800 lb gorilla" of [...]

7 Ways To “Spy” On Your Competition (For Marketing)

Do you like playing detective?  I do!  So I've always enjoyed taking a peek at what the competition is doing.  By researching your competition you can learn so much about your own business as well as your audience. It also helps you understand the way your competitors think...and this will teach you many things that can help you [...]

Link-Building Checklist for Beginners

The Basics of Link-Building When you do the same things over and over again it's likely that you've developed a checklist. Many business people use checklists - from the realtor who sold you the lot to build your house on, to the builder who built the house, to the lawyer who handled the closing. Checklists are [...]

What Is Native Advertising?

Have you heard of native advertising? There's a good chance you've seen - and even experienced - native advertising without realizing what it was called, how to use it, or why you should care.  In simple terms, native advertising "blends in" with the content that surrounds it.  While the concept of native advertising isn't new, the [...]

5 Emotional Motivators That Make People Buy

Did you know there are emotional motivators that make people buy a particular product or service? It's true! Believe it or not, everyone buys based on emotional triggers...and then they justify their buying decisions with logic.  (Yes, even you.) So if you want to motivate your customers to buy, you need to know exactly which core emotions [...]

Content Marketing: Green Topics vs Hot Topics

What type of content should you use in your content marketing strategy? When it comes to creating content for your website, videos, and social media, the question of "green" topics versus "hot" or "trending" topics often comes up. "Green" topics, often referred to as "evergreen" content, is content that will usually stand the test of [...]

8 Keys To Getting Your Message Heard

When it comes to getting your message heard, the key is to command your audience's attention and then keep their attention with a message that appeals to them. These communications can be written, verbal, and even non-verbal, and it’s your job as the message giver to deliver the message in a way that it’s understood by [...]

By |2017-03-03T09:48:14-06:00April 22nd, 2016|Branding, Local Business Marketing, Marketing|0 Comments

Easy Ways to Repurpose Content for More Website Traffic

Repurposing is not a new concept.  We've been doing it for years...products have been created with one use in mind...and then consumers like us think of great NEW ways to use them. Here's a great (and funny) example of a product repurposing I invented (or at least I think I did...). **WARNING:  You're about to [...]

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